VC English

EACH SUNDAY A FAMILY, COUPLE, OR INDIVIDUAL will be called forward at the Mass to receive the vocation cross and a special prayer written to accompany it. In taking the cross they commit themselves to pray during the week, in the name of our parish, the vocation prayer in thanksgiving for all those generously sharing in Church ministry and in particular for the gift of sisters, brothers, priests and deacons. They are also asked to pray for an increase in holy vocations.

Everyone is invited to participate in this program. We encourage you to volunteer for one week and then to attend the designated Mass that week to receive the cross.

It is our hope that this experience will encourage each of us to take seriously our vocation as a member of the Body of Christ and encourage ALL of us to pray for the gift of vocations to priesthood and religious life (not just the family with the cross for the week!).

We believe the Spirit is calling forth men and women from our faith community to these roles of service. May our prayers help inspire young women and men to be attentive to the movement of the Spirit within them and to step forward in faith and with generous hearts to wherever the Spirit leads them.

Here are some details regarding your participation.

Receiving the Cross:

Be sure to attend the Mass at which the cross will be distributed. After the closing prayer of the Mass you will be invited to come to the altar to receive the cross and the special vocation prayer. You may return to your place after you receive it.


Prayer during the week:

We encourage you to pray the Vocation Prayer with your family at a convenient time each day during the week. You might also use this as an opportunity to talk together about priests, sisters and brothers you have known and admire.

Returning the Cross:

It is very important that you return the cross on time so that the next participants will be able to receive it on schedule. Please return the vocation cross to the sacristy prior to the Mass designated as the one after which the vocation cross is given.

If you are interested in participating in this program, please call

Juan or Luisa Ruiz at 925-759-6500.

St. John Mary Vianney, Patron of Priests, pray for us!