Get in touch with us
St. Vincent de Paul St. Anthony Conference
PHONE NUMBER: 925-325-7424 ADDRESS: 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561
For more information on the mission of SVDP Contra Costa please visit:
The St. Vincent de Paul's free medical clinic, "RotaCare Pittsburg Free Medical Clinic at St. Vincent de Paul" is in dire need of additional volunteer physicians.
In response to the COVID crisis, the clinic closed for face-to-face care mid-March thru August, reopening for face-to-face care on 8/5/20. However, several of the volunteer physicians who regularly help at the clinic have temporarily stepped away from service due to concerns with being susceptible to the virus's worst complications as they are in the older/more vulnerable age group, (65 years plus).
We are currently open 2 days per month, down from 6 days per month due to a lack of volunteer physicians.
If you are interested in volunteering please see attached flyer for more information! Your time and help to those most vulnerable is much appreciated.
Next General Meeting
We need your assistance! Would you like to volunteer or donate, contact us. We provide services of time, talent, and resources from person to person providing different forms of assistance including food, clothing, furniture, housing, and professional referrals through visits to your home or parish.
Necesitamos de su asistencia! Le gustaría ser voluntario o donar, comuníquese con nosotros. Proveemos servicio de tiempo, talento, y recursos de persona a persona dando varias formas de asistencia entre ellas, comida, ropa, muebles, vivienda y referencias profesionales por medio de visitas a su hogar o en la parroquia.