Parish Staff


Rev. Rafael Hinojosa

Parochial Administrator


Rev. Juan Carlos Ponce

Parochial Vicar


Deacon Alberto Cruz
(925) 625-2048


Ms. Jajahira Gallardo
(925) 625-2048

Parish Secretary


Ms. Celeste Plate
(925) 625-2048



Ms. Maria Velazquez
(925) 625-2048

Safe Environment Coordinator

Actions speak louder than words; let your words teach and your actions speak.

St. Anthony of Padua

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Mensaje de Pascua

April 12, 2020

¡Mis queridos feligreses, bienvenidos a esta Pascua sin precedentes! Nuestra Cuaresma comenzó con el pasaje del Evangelio de las tentaciones de Jesús en el...Read more

Easter Message

April 12, 2020

My dear Parishioners, welcome to this unprecedented Easter!! Our Lent started with the Gospel passage of the temptations of Jesus in the desert that...Read more

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