In our lives and celebrating Easter, God has the last word; Over these past three days we have devoutly recalled how Jesus was willing to bear the humility of being a man, how died upon a cross, how he descended into hell, unlocked the gates of heaven, and conquered the darkness of evil and sin. You see, without the risk of losing one’s life, the willingness to suffer, the humility to carry a cross, the resurrection is impossible. The words heard by the women at the tomb are also addressed to us: “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here but has risen” (Lk 24:5-6). Death, solitude and fear are not the last word. There is a word that transcends them, a word that only God can speak: it is the word of the resurrection (cf. JOHN PAUL II, Conclusion of the Way of the Cross, 18 April 2003). Therefore, the simplest meaning of Easter is that we are living in a world in which God has the last word.
These days of Easter with our newly baptized members and Christians who have embraced the Gospel of Christ through the sacraments of Initiation, remind us of the beginnings of the Church. It challenges us to continue what Jesus taught His disciples and to live by His example. It teaches us to take courage that despite the challenges we face in our world, the Risen Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, is present and active in our lives and we are call to make Him more alive than ever even with the challenges that our Catholic church is facing today, but just as Saint John Paul II once said, “Do not abandon yourselves to despair: We are the Easter people, and Hallelujah is our song.
I your lowly servant, Fr Giopre and Our entire Parish Staff joins together in extending to you our best wishes and all of the joy of Easter. Since Easter is fifty days long, we will take the many opportunities to greet you personally and to thank you for the life and vibrance you bring to our St. Anthony Parish. We extend also a word of appreciation to all who made donations of, or offerings toward our Easter flowers and plants, to all those involved in our Triduum Liturgies, as well as those who decorated our church. Thanks to all who sacrificed to make our Holy Week as prayerful, enjoyable, and inviting as it has been.
I also extend a warm welcome to those who are visitors to our Parish. We are happy you chose to celebrate Easter with us. We extend an invitation to you to become a regular part of our Parish community. The Sunday bulletin lists our Mass times and contact information. Please call us, if we can help. Welcome, again, and a Happy and Blessed Easter to you all.
Yours in Christ: Fr Rafael Hinojosa